Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Warning: Graphic Image

As I was scrolling through Twitter this morning, I came across this tweet on my news feed. I don't follow this person but somehow it appeared - it was possibly retweeted by someone I follow. At first I  scrolled right passed it, then something caught my eye so I scrolled back to it.

The photo is taken after the Las Vegas shooting at an outdoor country music concert. There are dozens of dead bodies everywhere backdropped against the Vegas strip skyline.

This photo was posted by American DJ Diplo, who currently has 2.47 million followers and who identifies himself as a "random white dude be everywhere" according to his Twitter bio. The photo currently has 11,000 retweets and 27,000 likes. I am not sure who originally took the photo, but nonetheless thousands of people have already seen it.

Was is ethical for him to post this extremely sensitive photo on Twitter?

Would it have made a difference if a journalist posted this picture and not a "celebrity"?

Should Twitter have some responsibility for censoring graphic content?

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