Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The 'Ethics' of Word Choice


Haley Zaremba said...

Interesting....I would say that thickset and muscular are two different things. If he was as originally described, I wouldn't bother to make this correction just because someone was a little offput by it.

....J.Michael Robertson said...

I can't imagine what sequence of events resulted in this correction. it must have been a fierce complaint accompanied by photos. I'd think even Kant would conceded it's a bad idea to establish the precedent that every bit of physical description is subject to dispute. You could also argue it makes the person described sound silly for apparently complaining.

Unknown said...

Maybe the correction was meant to be sarcastic. (It sounds like something The Onion would write.) Regardless, it makes the subject and the publication both look stupid for putting it in to begin with.